Autonomy of the peoples in the Arctic. Crossed glances on Denmark, Russia, Canada and Norway
The Arctic Peoples' Self-Governance Research Network held its seminar in Nuuk, Greenland, on August 16-18, 2022.
This network aims to explore new opportunities for research cooperation in the field of self-government in the Arctic region.
The objective of this meeting was to present a first version of the papers that will constitute a special issue on the experiences of self-government in the Arctic. Uffe Jakobsen and Henrik Larsen, University of Copenhagen, Thierry Rodon, Université Laval, Martin Papillon, UdM, Maria Akrèn and Gestur Hovgaard, Ilisimatusarfik/ University of Greenland, Hallbera West, University of the Faroe Islands and Jo Saglie, Institute for Social Research, Oslo were present. For reasons that everyone knows, the Russian researchers could not join us.