

Regards croisés sur les défis de la mise en œuvre du consentement préalable, libre et éclairé

A recently published book, edited by Thierry Rodonand Martin Papillon is now available!

The edited book compiles contributions on the experiences of Canada, Peru, Colombia, Brazil, Sweden, and Russia. 

Building Energy Sovereignty through Community-Based Projects in Nunavik

Rodon, T., Nachet, L., Krolik, C. and Palliser, T., (2021) “Building Energy Sovereignty through Community-Based Projects in Nunavik”, Sustainability, 13(16), 9061. [online].

Inuit communities in Canada are overwhelmingly dependent on expensive and polluting local diesel-powered generators for electricity production. This article seeks to understand the legal and political obstacles relative to the development of renewable energy in Nunavik, Québec’s Inuit territory. 


Nested Federalism and Inuit Governance in the Canadian Arctic

This book traces the political journey toward self-governance taken by three predominantly Inuit regions over the past forty years: Nunavik, the Inuvialuit Settlement Region, and Nunatsiavut. Gary Wilson, Christopher Alcantara, and Thierry Rodon investigate their internal dynamics and their relationships with other levels of government.

From Consultation to Consent: The Politics of Indigenous Participatory Rights in Canada

In this chapter, Martin Papillon and Thierry Rodon focus on the implementation of free, prior and informed consent in the Canadian context. It's published in the book The Prior Consultation of Indigenous Peoples in Latin America (2019).

The Transformative Potential of Indigenous- Driven Approaches to Implementing Free, Prior and Informed Consent: Lessons from Two Canadian Cases

Building on two case studies, a mining policy adopted by the Cree Nation of James Bay and a community-driven impact assessment process established by the Squamish Nation, Martin Papillon and Thierry Rodon demonstrate in this article how Indigenous-driven mechanisms can be powerful instruments to shape how fpic is defined and translated in practice.

Renewing the Relationship with Indigenous Peoples: An Ambitious Discourse, Smaller Accomplishments

This chapter, written by Thierry Rodon and Martin Papillon, provides an overview of the Canadian government (2015-2019) on its promises and achievements on Aboriginal issues. It is published in the book Assessing Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Government (2019).

The aporias of Aboriginal politics in Canada

This book provides a critical look at Canada's Aboriginal policies that will allow us to see the political and social advances made by Aboriginal peoples over the past decades, but also the limits imposed by the Canadian state, which are all aporias. .  *In French only

Adaptation Actions for a Changing Arctic: Perspectives form the Baffin Bay/Davis Strait Region

This report focus on the different drivers of regional changes in the the Baffin Bay/Davis Strait Region, notably the climate, environmental and human factors. Thierry Rodon contributed to the chapters related to socio-economic and educational issues

The Northern Plan and Indigenous Relations

This chapter, written by Thierry Rodon and Jean-Olivier Roy, provides an overview of the Couillard government's promises and achievements regarding the Northern Plan. It's published in the book Bilan du gouvernement de Philippe Couillard : 158 promesses et un mandat contrasté (2018).

The search for development models for Northern Quebec

In this article,Thierry Rodon et Aude Therrien compare the socio-economic conditions of different regions in northern Quebec, including their institutional development, and develop an analysis of the different development models for the North that are promoted by the various actors. This analysis is based on the nation-building approach developed by the Harvard Project on American Indian Economic Development.

Development in Nunavik: How Regional and Local Initiatives Redefine Sustainable Development in Nunavik

In this paper, Thierry Rodon analyzes how local and regional initiatives (Midwifery Program, Childcare, Preparation for Post-Secondary Education, Nunavik Parks) contribute to the sustainable development of Nunavik.

Governance of Arctic Offshore Oil and Gas

In the chapter "Offshore Development and Inuit Rights in Inuit Nunangat", Thierry Rodon analyzes the Inuit community of Clyde River and their mayor Jerry Natanine’s resistance to seismic testing in the sea within their region. This struggle is built upon the implementation of the principle of Free Prior and Informed Consent and shows Inuit’s willingness to regain control on their territory.

Environmental Assessment Processes and the Implementation of Indigenous Peoples Free, Prior and Informed Consent

This report, written by Thierry Rodon and Martin Papillon, addresses the potential role of the federal environmental assessment process in
implementing the principle of Free, Prior and Informed Indigenous Consent (FPIC).

Inuit Diplomacy: Reframing the Arctic Spaces and Narratives

Thierry Rodon wrote the chapter «Inuit Diplomacy: Reframing the Arctic Spaces and Narratives» in the report , The Internationalization of Indigenous Rights from the Centre for International Governance Innovation. You can access to the report on the CIGI website.

The Role of the Public Sector in Northern Governance

Thierry Rodon collaborated to this report that is now available. You can read it here.


Inuit Nunangat University : Workshop report

This report summarizes the discussions at the Inuit Nunangat University Workshop, which took place over a day and a half on March 18th and 19th 2015 at the Francophone Centre in Iqaluit, Nunavut.

Northern University Futures: Working Together to Develop an Inuit Nunangat University

The purpose of this background paper is to help inform and support the discussions that took place at the March 2015 Inuit Nunangat University Workshop in Iqaluit,to discuss and develop a roadmap for the creation of a university in Inuit Nunangat.

Final Report - Monitoring Educational and Professional Success Amongst Inuit of Nunavut who Have Registered in a Postsecondary Program

The final report on the project Monitoring Educational and Professional Success Amongst Inuit of Nunavut Who Have Registered in a Postsecondary Program is now available.You can consult it here.

Northern Workshop on Inuit Post-Secondary Education.

Northern Workshop on Inuit Post-Secondary Education. Workshop help as part of the project "Improving access to university education in the Canadian Arctic: learning from past experiences and listening to Inuit student experiences". Kativik School Board Office, Kuujjuaq, Novembre 23rd, 2011. Prepared by Francis Lévesque. Quebec City: Northern Sustainable Development Chair. 2012.

Pan-Canadian Workshop on Inuit Post-Secondary Education.

Pan-Canadian Workshop on Inuit Post-Secondary Education. Workshop help as part of the project "Improving access to university education in the Canadian Arctic: learning from past experiences and listening to Inuit student experiences". Carleton University, Ottawa, March 1st, 2011. Prepared by Marise Lachapelle with Melissa Ruston. Quebec City: Northern Sustainable Development Chair. 2011.


Special Issue of Extractive Industries and Society.

These publications are available in open access.
Rodon, T., Keeling, A., Boutet, J-S., (2021) “Schefferville Revisited: The Rise and Fall (and Rise again) of Iron Mining in Quebec-Labrador”, Extractive Industries and
Therrien, A., Lépy, É., Boutet, J-S.,Bouchard, K. and Keeling, A., (2021) “Place-based education and extractive industries: Lessons from post-graduate courses in Canada and Fennoscandia”, Extractive Industries and Society
Thériault, S., Bourgeois S. and Boirin-Fargues, Z., (2021) “Indigenous Peoples’ Agency Within and Beyond Rights in the Mining Context: The Case of the Schefferville Region”, Extractive Industries and Society
Nachet, L., Beckett, C., Sehlin-McNeil, K., (2021) “Framing extractive violence as environmental (in)justice: A cross-perspective from indigenous lands in Canada and Sweden”, Extractive Industries and Society.
Bjørst, L.R., and Rodon, T., (2021) “Progress stories and the contested making of minerals in Greenland and northern Québec”, Extractive Industries and Society

Cohabiter avec le navettage aéroporté : Le cas de Val-d'Or en Abitibi-Témiscamingue

This report presents the results of a research project  on the effects of fly-in/ fly-out on a Quebec departure community. It is part of a broader research initiative led by the Regroupement des femmes de la Côte-Nord ("Regroupement") and the Chair.

True North Treasure Initiative

This is the final evaluation report published in March 2019 (french version) presenting the evaluation of the Northern Treasures Initiatives Program, a program put in place by Aboriginal and Northern Affaires Canada.

Living with Fly-in Fly-out commuting: Experiences of Women and North Shore Communities

This report presents the results of a research project on the social, economic and community impacts of fly-in fly-out commutingfor workers' families and for communities. This research has been conducted by the Northern Sustainable Development Research Chair, in collaboration with the Regroupement des femmes de la Côte-Nord, with the funding of the Société du Plan Nord.

From Narrative to Evidence: Socio-Economic Impacts of Mining in Northern Canada

This chapter, written by Thierry Rodon and Francis Lévesque, discusses the socio-economic impacts of mines in northern communities. It is published in the book Resources and Sustainable Development in the Arctic.

Special Issue : Dealing with Resource Development in Canada's North

Two papers of this special issue on «Dealing with Resource Development in Canada's North» are written : «Mining Economies: Inuit Business Development and Employment in the Eastern Subarctic» (p.59-78) and «Impact and Benefit Agreement (IBA) Revenue Allocation Strategies for Indigenous Community Development» (p.9-29)

Seeking Closure: Legacies of the Asbestos Hill mine in Nunavik

This report is drawn from Jeanette Carney's master’s thesis “Asbestos Hill: Inuit Experiences with Nunavik’s First Mine”. It explores the history and past and present experiences of Nunavimmiut with Asbestos Hill (1972-1984), the region’s first mine.

Akulivik Report: Toxic Legacies of Mining Explorations

This report aims to bring attention to the impacts of past mining exploration on Inuit of Akulivik and Puvirnituq, as well as to create a call to action and ultimately bring the remediation of local abandoned exploration sites. Furthermore, it intends to describe and explain the views of the community of Akulivik with regards to future mineral development in its region.

Gap Analysis:Mining Development in Canada. Aboriginal communities and mining development in northern Canada

This report discuss the social impacts examined in the academic and grey literature and the issues surrounding the EA and IBA processes. Furthermore, the researchers analyze the research needs in regards to Northern resource development and aboriginal communities.You can consult the report on the ReSDA Website.

Annual reports

Annual Report 2023-2024

This report covers the INQ Northern Sustainable Development Research Chair's activities for the year 2023-2024 (in French only).

Annual Report 2022-2023

This report covers the INQ Northern Sustainable Development Research Chair's activities for the year 2022-2023 (in French only).

Annual Report 2021-2022

This report covers the INQ Northern Sustainable Development Research Chair's activities for the year 2021-2022 (in French only).

Annual Report 2020-2021

This report covers the INQ Northern Sustainable Development Research Chair's activities for the year 2020-2021 (in French only).

Annual Report 2019-2020

This report covers the Northern Sustainable Development Research Chair's activities for the year 2019-2020 (in French only).

Annual Report 2018-2019

This report covers the Northern Sustainable Development Research Chair's activities for the year 2018-2019 (in French only).

Annual Report 2017-2018

This report covers the Northern Sustainable Development Research Chair's activities for the year 2018-2019 (in French only).

Annual report 2015-2016

This report covers the Northern Sustainable Development Research Chair's activities for the year 2015-2016 (in French only).

Annual report 2014-2015

This report covers the Northern Sustainable Development Research Chair's activities for the year 2014-2015 (in French only).

Annual report 2016-2017

This report covers the Northern Sustainable Development Research Chair's activities for the year 2016-2017 (in French only).

Activities report 2011-2015

This report summarizes the Northern Sustainable Development Research Chair's activities for the years 2011 to 2015.


Newsletter # 2 :Knowledge Network on Environment Impact Assessment and Social Impact of Mining in the Canadian Eastern Arctic and Subarctic

The second newsletter (fall 2014) of the Knowledge Network on Environmental Impact Assessment and Social Impact of Mining in the Canadian Eastern Arctic and Subarctic is now available.

Newsletter # 1 :Knowledge Network on Environment Impact Assessment and Social Impact of Mining in the Canadian Eastern Arctic and Subarctic

The first newsletter (Winter/Spring 2014) of the Knowledge Network on Environment Impact Assessment and Social Impact of Mining in the Canadian Eastern Arctic and Subarctic is now available here.

Other publications

Rodon, T. & Therrien, A. 2017. «Quels modèles de développement pour le Québec nordique?» Recherches sociographiques, 58(2), 447–470.

Papillon, M. et T. Rodon. 2017. «Le développement des ressources passe par le consentement des Autochtones». État du Québec 2018. Institut du nouveau-monde

Rodon, T., Jacobsen R. B. & Tesar, C. 2018. «3.3 Socio-economic drivers». In: Adaptation Actions for a Changing Arctic: Perspectives from the Baffin Bay/Davis Strait Region. pp. 83-97. Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP), Oslo, Norway

Ackréen, M., Boolsen, M. W., Rodon, T., & Walton, F. 2018, «5. Education». In: Adaptation Actions for a Changing Arctic: Perspectives from the Baffin Bay/Davis Strait Region. pp. 121- 133. Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP), Oslo, Norway.

Horowitz, L., A. Keeling, F. Lévesque, T. Rodon, S. Thériault. 2018. «Indigenous peoples’ relationships to large-scale mining in post/colonial contexts: Toward multidisciplinary comparative perspectives.» The Extractive Industries and Society, mai 2018.

Papillon, M. et T. Rodon, T. 2019. «From Consultation to Consent : The Politics of Indigenous Participatory Rights in Canada». In Tomasseli, A. & Wright, C., Prior Consultation of Indigenous Peoples in Latin America. Routledge.

Papillon, M. et T. Rodon. 2019. «The Transformative Potential of Indigenous-Driven Approaches to Implementing Free, Prior and Informed Consent : Lessons from Two Canadian Cases», International Journal on Minority and Group Right.

Rodon, T. 2018. «Institutional Development and Resource Development: the Case of Canada’s Indigenous Peoples», Canadian Journal of Development Studies / Revue Canadienne D'études du Développement 39 (1). Routledge: 119–136.

Rodon, T. (2014), “The Political Economy of Nunavik and Eeyou Istchee”. Northern Review. 38.

Rodon, Thierry. 2014. “Working Together”: The Dynamics of Multilevel Governance in Nunavut. Arctic Review on Law and Politics, 5(2) : 250–270.

Thierry Rodon. 2003. En partenariat avec l’État: l’expérience de cogestion des Autochtones du Canada. Québec: Les presses de l’Université Laval.

Frances Abele and Thierry Rodon. 2007. Inuit Diplomacy in the Global Era : The Strengths of Multilateral Internationalism. Canadian Foreign Policy. 13 (3).

Thierry Rodon. 2008. Les étudiants autochtones à l’Université Laval : enquête sur les besoins et les problématiques. Les cahiers du CIÉRA. 1(1), 2008.

Thierry Rodon (ed). 2008.  Teach an Eskimo How to Read... : Conversations with Peter Freuchen Ittinuar. Nunavut Arctic College, Iqaluit.

Thierry Rodon and Minnie Grey. 2009. The Long Winding Road towards Self-Government : The Nunavik and Nunatsiavut Experience, in the The Art of the State : Northern Exposure. Institute of Research on Public Policy, Montréal.

Thierry Rodon. 2009. La participation des Autochtones à la gestion du territoire, des ressources naturelles et de l’environnement : entre manipulation et reconnaissance. État du Québec, directed by M. Fahmy. Montréal: Institut du nouveau monde, Édition Fides, 2009.

Thierry Rodon and Louis McComber. 2009.  Inuit voices in the making of Nunavut. In Collignon B. & Therrien M. (eds). Proceedings of the 15th Inuit Studies Conference. Paris: INALCO / CNRS. With Louis McComber.

Thierry Rodon. 2009. Nunavut, un bilan des 10 premières années. Options Politiques, Juillet-août.

Thierry Rodon. 2010. La construction des polities du Nunavik et d’Eeyou Istchee: les défis du fédéralisme autochtone, In Les Inuit et les Cris du Nord du Québec: Territoire, gouvernance, société et culture, Jacques-Guy Petit, Yv Bonnier Viger, Pita Aatami, Ashley Iserhoff (eds). Presses de l'Université du Québec and Presses universitaires de Rennes.

Rick Cucciurean, R, Lussier C., Reid J. and, Rodon, T. 2011. What the Cree Have to Say About Climate ChangeCRA et CTA.

Rodon, Thierry. 2012. « De l’Ungava au Nunavik en passant par le Nouveau-Québec », l’État du Québec  2012.

Rodon, Thierry. 2012. « Les Innus de Uashat mak Mani-Utenam et la pêche au saumon de la Moisie : de la confrontation à la cogestion », in Les pêches des Premières Nations dans l’est du Québec. Innus, Malécites et Micmacs, directed by Paul Charest, Thierry Rodon et Camil Girard. Québec: Presses de l’Université Laval.

Rodon, Thierry and Stephan Schott. 2013. “Towards a Sustainable Future for Nunavik.” Polar Record (March 22): 1–17.

Rodon, Thierry, Francis Lévesque and Jonathan Blais. (accepté, 2013). “De Rankin Inlet à Raglan, le développement minier et les communautés inuit”, Études/Inuit/Studies. 37(2). 18p.