Towards the creation of an Inuit Nunanganni University 25 March 2015

A workshop was held in Iqaluit, March 18-19 to discuss and develop a roadmap for the creation of an Inuit Nunanganni University.  Thierry Rodon, Sheena Kennedy, Peter Ma, Sharon Edmunds Potvin and Natan Obed organized the event.

Amongst other things, participants in the workshop agreed that it should be an Inuit Nunanganni University, based at first in Nunavut but serving all the Inuit region of Canada. The workshop was co-hosted by the Government of Nunavut, ITK, NTI and ArcticNet Improving post-secondary Inuit education researchers’. Read more about it with the background paper and the workshop report.

On the picture, the participants in the workshop, from left to right and from bottom to top:
First row: Mary Ellen Thomas, Karla Jessen Williamson, Annie Hanson, Peter Ma, Madeleine Redfern
Second row: Lisa Koperqualuk, Gwen Healey, Jeela Palluq-Cloutier, Naullaq Arnaquq,Nikki Ejesiak, Rebecca Mearns, Jeannie Arreak Kullualik
Third row: Kelly Black, Kirt Ejesiak, Chris Douglas, Anne Crawford, Thierry Rodon, Sheena Kennedy, Lakkuluk Williamson
Missing on the picture: Keith Chaulk, Terry Audla, Paul Quassa