Chair's team presentation and new projects to come 10 September 2014

A meeting was held this Wednesday in order to introduce new members to the Chair’s team. Everyone has the opportunity to present himself and inform people about his work. Then, Thierry Rodon, the Chair’s holder, presented the different projects who are now developed and also the ones who will be in the next few months. The Chair’s team welcomes new members and wishes a happy back to School to all!      

Members of the Chair, from left to right: Hermine De Pins, Rémy Darith Chhem, Julie Fortin, Maxime Thibault, Aude Therrien, Deogratias Safali, Caroline Boudreault-Fiset, Tania Giberyen and Jonathan Blais. Are missing from the picture: Juliette Bastide and Stéphanie Benoit.