Thierry Rodon participates in a round table on the future of caribou 11 May 2022

The roundtable discussion "What future for the caribou?" provided an opportunity to learn more about the environmental, cultural and political issues surrounding this animal. Steve Côté (Université Laval), Pierre Drapeau (Université du Québec à Montréal) and Mathieu Leblond (Environment and Climate Change Canada) opened the discussion by highlighting the reduction in the range of the various types of caribou in Quebec, the impacts associated with the degradation of their habitat and the conservation issues concerning them.

Presentations by André Michel (Ashkuatshikunnu Experts-conseil), Mélissa Saganash (Cree Nation Government) and Serge Ashini Goupil (Innu Nation) allowed for a better understanding of the importance of the relationship between the Innu and Cree nations and the caribou, as well as its cultural and identity value. They also cited the example of the Maamuu nisituhtimuwin / Matineu-mashinaikan atiku e uauinakakanit agreement on caribou hunting that was signed between the Cree and Innu nations. 

The last part of the round table dealt with examples of caribou co-management in Quebec and Canada. Pier-Olivier Boudreault (CPAWS) gave the example of the committee formed to protect the Détour caribou population, which was born of a collaboration between the Algonquin community of Pikogan, the Ministère de la Forêt, de la Faune et des Parcs du Québec, the RYAM forestry company and the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS). Finally, Thierry Rodon showed the limits of caribou management processes and presented some examples of caribou co-management institutions in the Northwest Territories, Yukon and Quebec.