Introduction to research and northern issues 15 February 2019

From May 6 to 10, the Institut nordique du Québec (INQ) will hold a training session for graduate students and researchers at the beginning of their careers working in northern Quebec and in the Canadian Arctic. In order to prepare their fieldwork, participants will benefit from the advice of a team of multidisciplinary trainers, who share a strong commitment to the North. The five-day training will be divided into three parts. The "northern regions" component will address the ecosystem, geographic and climatic characteristics of the North. The "northern issues" component will address the environmental, political, social and economic issues of the region. Finally, the "ethical practice" component will present good practices for conducting research in northern environments that is respectful and beneficial to northerners. Note that most of the training will be offered in French, but some interventions will be conducted in English. Visit the INQ website for registration details.